Monteverdi's 'L'Orfeo' at the Opéra-Comique

Next broadcasts Sunday, October 20 at 21:00 on Mezzo Live

  • Opera
  • Tuesday, October 22 at 16:55 on Mezzo Live
  • Friday, October 25 at 09:30 on Mezzo Live
  • Sunday, October 27 at 02:00 on Mezzo Live


  • le concert des nations
  • Jordi Savall (Conductor)
  • Pauline Bayle (Stage Direction)
  • Marc Mauillon (Baritone) : Orfeo
  • Luciana Mancini (Mezzo-soprano) : Euridice | La Música
  • Sara Mingardo (Mezzo-soprano) : La Messaggera
  • Marianne Beate Kielland (Mezzo-soprano) : Proserpina | La Speranza
  • Furio Zanasi (Baritone) : Apollo
  • Salvo Vitale (Bass) : Plutone | Caronte
  • Lise Viricel (Soprano) : La Ninfa
  • Alessandro Giangrande (Countertenor) : Eco


'Favola in musica' in a prologue and five acts by Claudio Monteverdi (1567 - 1643)
Libretto by Alessansdro Striggio
First performance in Mantue, Palazzo Ducale, 24 February 1607

Subtitles available for this program with your remote control

Recording: June 10 2021 - Opéra Comique | Paris
Director: François Roussillon
Duration: 01:58

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