Rain, documentary directed by Gerard-Jan Claes, Olivia Rochette and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
On 25 May 2011, the prestigious Ballet de l'Opéra national de Paris presented for the first time a choreography by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, "Rain". Film directors Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes followed the rehearsals, from the first auditions to the opening night. The documentary focuses on the way De Keersmaeker and the dancers of Rosas transmit the choreographer's style to the classically-trained dancers. The formality of classical ballet gives way to the equally rigorous, mathematical structure of "Rain", which nevertheless includes an important emotional element. A poetic documentary on experimentation, esthetics and doubt in the formal and sometimes oppressive world of opera.
Documentaru bu Gerard-Jan Claes, Olivia Rochette and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Director: Anne Teresa De Keesmaeker / Gérard-Jean Claes / Olivia Rochette
Duration: 00:55
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