
The Ballet Royal de la Nuit with the Ensemble Correspondances
Le ballet Royal de la Nuit
Grand divertissement pour le jeune Roi Soleil
Performed on February 23, 1653 at the Petit-Bourbon, Paris
Based on ''Le Ballet royal de la nuict'' (1653) by Isaac de Benserade (1613?-1691), Jean de Cambefort (1605-1661), Louis Constantin (1679-1779) and others composers
Orfeo (1647) by Luigi Rossi (1597-1653), Ercole Amante (1661) by Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676) and airs de ballet by Antoine Boësset (1587-1643), Michel Lambert (1610-1696)
Recording: November 12 2017 - Théâtre de Caen
Director: François-René Martin
Duration: 03:16
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