
Max Emanuel Cencic at the Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival 2022
George Frideric Handel (1685–1758)
Overture from Radamisto HWV 12
Va tacito from Giulio Cesare HWV 17
Ombra cara from Radamisto HWV 12
Overture from Giulio Cesare HWV 17
Vedrai con tuo periglio from Poro HWV 28
Vile, se mi dai vita from Radamisto HWV 17
Non fu gia men forte from Orlando HWV 31
Stille amare from Tolomeo HWV 25
Overture from Tolomeo HWV 25
Se la mia vita from Ezio HWV 29
Agitato da fiere tempeste from Ricardo Primo HWV 23
Recording: Margravial Opera House | Bayreuth
Director: Olivier Simmonet
Duration: 01:17
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