How can I watch Mezzo?
Mezzo and Mezzo Live are two Pay-TV channels, available from your cable and internet provider, in more than 60 countries.
Mezzo is available in more than 60 countries
If you don't find your country in the droplist, it means that none of the providers in your country carry mezzo. If you know a provider that does carry mezzo in your country please tell us. Otherwise try asking a provider in your country to carry mezzo.
Providers from all over the world carry mezzo
If you cannot find the name of your provider, it may be that it does not yet carry Mezzo. Do not hesitate to contact its staff!
How to choose a provider
A provider is a company that sells TV channels and brings them to your home via satellite, cable or telephone wires. You can only watch Mezzo through a provider. If you do not yet have a provider, you must first take a subscription with one, and you will gain access to many TV channels, including Mezzo.
If you have the internet at home, your provider may offer TV via ADSL (through the same physical carrier as the internet), but check that Mezzo is included in its selection of channels.
The provider offers different kinds of "packages". You generally subscribe to a basic package, with a limited number of channels. You can then add your favourite channels (Mezzo and Mezzo Live ) on their own, or as part of a larger package: if you are interested in the other channels, it can turn out to be cheaper.
To choose your provider, visit their websites (see our list to check which providers carry Mezzo), see which channels interest you, which packages include our own channels, make a choice, and follow the instructions on the website, call the provider directly, or visit one of its shops.
Please note: some providers only carry one or the other of our two channels – to enjoy all the variety of our programmes, choose a provider that carries Mezzo and Mezzo Live !